
Thursday 21 January 2016

Obasanjo, Change, Corruption, And Hypocrisy By Moses E. Ochonu

This is a season of change. It is also a season of rank hypocrisy. Politicians who supervised previous regimes of corruption and perfidy have been emboldened by the change slogan of the moment to stake their rehabilitation on a pretended fondness for ethical and moral rectitude.
Olusegun Obasanjo
Change, it seems, is being equated with the proverbial scriptural blood that washes away a multitude of sins. No one better epitomizes the spirit of times, this ascendance of self-righteous hypocrisy, than former president Olusegun Obasanjo.
Obasanjo has been touring the country with glee and sanctimonious pageantry. The other day, he was in my home State of Benue at the behest of Governor Samuel Ortom. At a dinner organized in his honor at which he was entertained and sartorially rebranded in Benue traditional attire, he shamelessly impersonated a moral sage. He passed himself off as a moral icon and, like true exemplars of virtue and ethical discipline who espouse, through sheer righteous charisma, the virtue of altruism and ethical infallibility, Obasanjo performed the role to a hilt and with a passion that can only come from overcompensation. He offered advice to the governor on using the resources of the state to improve the lot of the citizens and on the evil of appropriating resources belonging to the people.
He has been doing the same act at other forums and in other States. When he is not on a rostrum waxing sanctimonious about how politicians and leaders have let Nigerians down, he is issuing statements lamenting how corruption has destroyed or is destroying Nigeria. Nigeria, Obasanjo has been saying in interviews and speeches is a country hobbled by corruption.
Is he not one of the politicians who let Nigeria down? Was he not a two-time leader of Nigeria who deserves, by virtue of the multiple opportunities he had to positively alter the course of the country, the bulk of the blame for the problem he glibly analyzes? These questions would require some self-reflexivity to be refracted back to Obasanjo. Unfortunately, he lacks the capacity for reflection and self-critique. And so he persists in advertising himself as incapable of grasping irony. He says past governments (excluding his own?) have frittered away Nigeria’s opportunity for greatness.
Says the man who became president in 1999, his then protégé, el-Rufai, informed us, with only 15,000 Naira in his bank account and with his Otta farm in shambles but who left the presidency in 2007 a multi-billionaire.
Says the man who as president bought shares worth N600 million in Transcorp, a firm he set up and helped to acquire several choice public assets for peanuts. Says the man who now owns a university, the richest and most expansive farming empire in Nigeria, and a presidential library funded by those who were contractors to his government or had benefitted from state windfalls.
Says the man who bribed legislators with billions of naira to secure a third presidential term through a corrupt and doomed constitutional amendment process. Says the man under whose presidency N300 billion appropriated for federal road rehabilitation was transformed into a re-election slush fund under the supervision of then Works Minister, Tony Anenih.
Says the man under whose superintending watch $10 billion was wasted on power sector projects that yielded darkness and further deterioration in Nigeria’s electricity infrastructure.
Says the man who invented and operationalized “do or die” as an electoral manifesto and as a precursor to a scorched earth philosophy of governance.
Says the man who was caught red-handed transporting dollars on the presidential aircraft through his then aide, Andy Ubah. Says the man whose secretive corrupt dealings were scandalously exposed by Atiku Abubakar and Garba Shehu during the infamous Atiku-Obasanjo political feud, which morphed into mutual corruption revelations concerning the use of the PDTF as a personal and Party piggy bank.
Says the man who owns the Green Legacy Resort, Abeokuta, arguably the most prestigious and expensive hotel/golf resort in Nigeria.
Says the man whose fingerprints are all over the Halliburton bribery scandal and who was spectacularly implicated in sworn testimony and court records by convicted British-American bribe distributor, Jeffrey Tessler.
It's hardly Obasanjo's fault though that he is now regarded as the conscience or moral voice of Nigeria. With such an amnesiac citizenry, even Hitler, were he to come back from the dead in Nigeria, would find himself on the path to complete redemption. That's just who we are as a people.
All Obasanjo had to do was hop on the change train for all to be forgiven. In truth, he was already well on his way to total redemption before the change election.
The cover of change has continued not only to shield many of yesterday’s thieves but to also empower them with a strange form of moral hubris. Obasanjo’s hubristic performances during his ongoing national honor tour are a pointer to what’s to come in this genre.
At this rate of national forgetting, former President Jonathan needs only five years to achieve full rehabilitation and go on his own national anticorruption speaking tour. But I am reminded that his rehabilitation may have already begun and he may have already embarked on his own tour of moral pedagogy, given the many pro-Jonathan iconographies and textual material that flow through my Facebook page every day. Again, that’s just who we are.
In other climes, when you commit the kinds of crime committed by the likes of Obasanjo, good gestures and deeds done after the crime can only earn you a few privileges — in prison! And a reduced sentence if you are lucky. Not canonization as your country's patron saint of anticorruption, patriotism, and ethics.
But this is Nigeria, a country of notoriously short memories and a generous knack for offering unearned forgiveness to the villains of our national political story.
The author can be reached at

Buhari won’t spare Jonathan if ex-president is proven corrupt –Presidency

In Nigeria’s ongoing war against corruption, President Muhammadu Buhari will not spare anyone who has a case to answer, and his predecessor, Goodluck Jonathan, would face justice if guilty, presidential spokesperson, Femi Adesina, has said.
Mr. Adesina told PREMIUM TIMES on Thursday, when he visited the newspaper’s office in Abuja, that Mr. Buhari has “no accord” to shield any corrupt person from prosecution.
“There is no accord,” he said, “if the corruption fight needs to get there (making Mr. Jonathan face justice), it will get there.”
Several top officials who served under Mr. Jonathan, as well as his political associates in the then ruling Peoples Democratic Party, are currently being tried, or investigated by the Economic and Financial crimes Commission, for corruption.
A major case involves a former National Security Adviser, Sambo Dasuki, accused of diverting $2.1 billion arms money, and sharing same to politicians and cronies of the former president.
According to investigators, Mr. Dasuki said he was authorized by Mr. Jonathan to release the money for the nation’s security programmes, and for the 2015 presidential campaign.
The spokesperson for the PDP, Olisa Metuh, also said he received payment from Mr. Dasuki after carrying out some assignments for the former president.
Those claims have raised questions regarding whether Mr. Jonathan, whom Mr. Buhari assured during transfer of power in 2015, that he had nothing to fear, would face prosecution should it be proven he has a case to answer.
Mr. Buhari has also been accused of bias against the PDP.
That allegations gained traction last week after his associate and party member, Jafaru Isa, was released by the EFCC despite facing what appeared a similar allegation as that against Mr. Metuh, the PDP spokesperson.
But Mr. Adesina denied the allegations against the president.
“There is no accord that if corruption is proven, it will not be tried,” he said of the former president. “With this president, nobody will be protected. And I underscore it, if it needs to get anywhere, it will get there.”
He emphasized that there was no agreement prior to the March 2015 presidential election that Mr. Jonathan would not be made to face trial if corruption allegations were proven against him.
Mr. Adesina denied Mr. Buhari’s involvement in the release of Mr. Isa after the APC member reportedly returned N100 million out of N170 million he was accused of unlawfully receiving from Mr. Dasuki.
“If the President had wanted to protect him, he would not have been arrested in the first place”, Mr. Adesina said.
He said investigations into other sectors, such as banking, and petroleum, would soon start.


President Muhammadu Buhari Thursday in Abuja accepted an invitation to serve as Grand Patron of the Committee Empowering Corporate Philanthropy in Nigeria.
Receiving the group led by Nigeria's former High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Dr. Christopher Kolade, at the Presidential Villa, President Buhari said that the Federal Ministry of Health will work in close concert with the committee.
The committee has "Big War Against Cancer" as its focal point for 2016.
Dr. Kolade told President Buhari that the committee was out to promote philanthropy nationwide, and to encourage organizations and individuals to use their resources to help others.
“As father of the nation, we want you to be our Grand Patron, so that you can give us the benefit of your support for the things we do. Your integrity and credibility will serve us in good stead,” Dr. Kolade said.
He added that the war against cancer can be won, if both the government and the private sector support the acquisition of mobile cancer centres, which could be deployed in all states of the federation, and Abuja.
President Buhari was decorated with the garland of the committee and presented with a plaque of the organization.
Special Adviser to the President,
(Media and Publicity)
January 21, 2016


PRESIDENT Muhammadu Buhari spent the first three days of this week visiting the United Arab Emirates, UAE, the first by a Nigerian leader since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two states in the early 80s.
The high-level visit to the world's second largest Arab economy marked an indication of the strengthening of relations between this country and Middle-East after many years this being in the back burner.
As part of his visit, President Buhari held talks with the effective head of the government, His Highness Sheikh Muhammad Bin Zayad Al-Nahyan, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the UAE armed forces. Apart from the bilateral talks at which critical issues such as trade, investment, security, war against corruption and energy were discussed, the President participated in the World Future Energy Summit, itself dominated by climate change and energy issues. The visit was also packed with a wide range of business meetings with business leaders in the UAE to attract investments leading to jobs creation and the larger goal of economic development in Nigeria.
On Tuesday before his departure home, the President addressed a group of African Ambassadors, had a session with Nigerian professionals before meeting a larger group made up of members of the Nigerian Community in the UAE.
At the meeting with the Nigerians in that country, President gave a resounding off-the -cuff speech in which he addressed the major issues of security, trade, war against corruption, challenges in foreign exchange transfers as part of the larger issues affecting the economy and as to be expected, employment and opportunities for diasporas back at home.
When he ended his speech, the highly impacted audience members rose to their feet to give him a standing ovation.
The high point of the President's visit was the signing of a wide range of agreements. These agreements are the first by the Buhari administration since it came into office and are on the threshold of the major policies of government, namely security, economy and corruption.
It is noteworthy that in the nearly-thirty years of the existing relations between Nigeria and the UAE, only three Memoranda of Understanding, MOUs were signed at various times in the past. This was the first time an agreement was signed and it is historically important that there were six of such agreements put on the table from the start. Four of these are agreements on Mutual Legal Assistance, MLA and the balance of two, relating to trade and investment.
The one that immediately caught public attention is the agreement on criminal matters to facilitate " the widest measure of Mutual Legal Assistance" to improve the effectiveness of both countries in the investigation and prosecution of crime, and the confiscation of criminal proceeds.
Under this agreement, proceeds of crime were defined to include "any assets derived or realized, directly and indirectly, by any person as a result of criminal conduct or the value of any asset, "asset" itself defined as " money and all kinds of moveable or immovable or tangible or intangible property, and include any interest on such property."
With this milestone agreement, it is expected that stolen assets such as the ones by a high-profile banker who was jailed by the EFCC a few years ago, estimated in billions of Naira in real estate and shares held in Dubai may be returned to Nigeria. Now, there is a legal basis to ask for the return of such assets.
The second MLA on criminal matters, which is equally expected to bolster President Muhammadu Buhari's war against corruption is the agreement on extradition between the two states.
By this, each of the states has agreed to "extradite to the other," upon request and subject to the provisions of the agreement "any person who is found in the territory of the Requested Party(say UAE) and is wanted in the Requesting Party (say Nigeria) for any prosecution or trial or execution of a sentence in respect of an extraditable offense committed within the jurisdiction of the Requesting Party."
The agreement defines extraditable offenses as those that are punishable under the laws of both countries by a term of imprisonment of not less than two years "or by a more severe penalty."
The third MLA is to facilitate the rehabilitation and reintegration of sentenced persons into society through giving them the opportunity to serve their sentence in their own countries.
The last of the four Mutual Legal Agreements deals with civil and commercial matters.
By this, each of the two states shall grant each other support in the service of summons and other judicial documents or processes; taking of evidence and in the execution of decrees, settlements and arbitral awards.
It is important to note that this agreement will apply to any civil or commercial matter before or after the signing of this agreement.
The two other agreements are for the reciprocal promotion and protection of investments and for the avoidance of double taxation. These ones were drawn to intensify economic cooperation between Nigeria and the UAE and to create conditions conducive to investments by nationals and companies of both countries.
These last two agreements are critical to the success of the economic side of the visit.
The Crown Prince and some of the business leaders the President met had shown an effusive determination to place investments in Nigeria. However, by their investment tradition, the UAE does not invest in a country with which they don't have a protection agreement. This is what was just signed.
With an eye on UAE's outsized Sovereign Wealth Fund, officially put at USD 800 billion (but unofficially at over three trillion Dollars), Nigerian officials are eager to start work on the expansion of economic cooperation between the two states.
On the security front, President Buhari and the Crown Prince discussed a range of regional and global issues. The UAE has agreed to assist Nigeria in the war against Boko Haram terrorism and in the rehabilitation of the damaged, North-East subregion of the country. They are sending an assessment team of the Emirates Red Crescent to the affected areas to find out precisely what is most needed for that country's intervention.
A two-man, high-level committee was set up by the two countries to coordinate the incoming support for the North-East. The contact person for Nigeria is General Babagana Munguno, the National Security Adviser. His UAE counterpart is the Group CEO of the conglomerate Mubadalah. The two would be meeting every three months to review progress in this effort.
While both countries left off to further scrutinize the signed agreements in case there are areas to be amended, there is also the indication that a number of other agreements are in the pipeline to strengthen security and economic cooperation between the two. The country which parades two of the world's most successful airlines, the Emirates and Etihad is interested in assisting Nigeria restart a national airline.
Another of these upcoming agreements will lead to the opening of the UAE market for Nigerian exports. The one being worked on security cooperation is to bind the ministries of interior to information sharing to fight corruption and terrorism.
The two leaders also emphasized their cooperation on climate change and energy issues. By this, it is expected that the UAE will key into the President's plan to boost access to electricity by tapping into the abundant renewable energy resources available to this country. The UAE has built a whole city that relies on solar energy that is reportedly carbon-free. Climate change is a major topic of concern to President Muhammadu Buhari.
Another line of discussion between the two states will feature plans on the regeneration of the Lake Chad, to reduce poverty in the region and cut African emigration to Europe.
In the assessment of officials on both sides, the visit scored big on issues of security, environment, trade and investment and the war against corruption.
The President was accompanied on the delegation by the NSA and the ministers of Finance, Justice, Foreign Affairs, Trade and Investment, Environment, State Minister Petroleum and that of Works, Power and Housing.

Garba Shehu 
Senior Special Assistant to the President, SSAP( Media and Publicity).

God has hands in Nigeria’s economic challenges – Oyegun

The National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief John Odigie-Oyegun on Thursday said that Nigeria’s present economic downturn could be an act of God to remind Nigeria on the need to implement and embrace radical change, particularly in the country’s current economic model.‎
Chief Oyegun made the disclosure when he received in audience a 15-member delegation of an APC support group, Change Agents Foundation (CAF) led by its Director-General, Dr. Felix Felix at the party’s National Secretariat in Abuja.
His words: “I think God has a hand in the current economic predicament of the country. Imagine the sudden fall in the price of crude oil, the mainstay of the Nigerian economy, from its heights in 2014, averaging $112 per barrel down to the current price of $28 per barrel — lower than the $38 per barrel which the proposed 2016 budget is predicated on.
“It is an object lesson for us. It tells us that we must embrace radical change in our economic model."
According to him, the fall in oil price has taken its toll on the revenue and expenditure of the Federal Government and as a result is having a severe effect on the economy.
“The concept of change is a difficult one. Nigeria must be ready to adapt to new ways of doing things. As a party, we know and understand it calls for tremendous sacrifice, there is no other way.
“Yes the economy is in a bad shape, but maybe that is the kick we need to be innovative and find ways to drive the economy out of the woods.
“The luck we have is that we have as president a man committed to personal probity and sincerity of purpose to the project of developing Nigeria. Today, we must think and be innovative in ways of fashioning out new economic models which diversifies from the present over reliance on oil.
“We are in the process of organising a three-day dialogue which will bring the party, government and stakeholders for an exposition on the realities facing the country, particular the economy.  It will provide an opportunity to exchange ideas so that we go home with a clear direction on how to go forward.”
Also speaking at the meeting, the Director-General, CAF, Dr. Felix congratulated the APC National Chairman for leading the APC to victory at the last presidential election which ushered in the Muhammadu Buhari administration.
He said: “We are here to identify with you in this success and to say that while achieving success is a difficult thing, sustaining success is even more difficult. It is this realisation that prompted our coming together to form the Change Agents Foundation.”
The Director-General said the fight against corruption being waged by the Buhari-led administration is already yielding results.
“Our party promised Nigerians Change and this change Nigerians have already started experiencing through the unprecedented simplicity and transparency our leader, President Muhammadu Buhari has brought to governance of Nigeria.
“The fight against corruption has already started yielding results as looted public funds are being exposed and returned while everybody occupying public office today is conscious of his actions knowing that there would be consequences for any inaction or wrong action.” Dr. Felix said.
The CAF Director-General requested the National Secretariat of the APC to register the organisation to enable it contribute its quota towards efforts to deliver on the Change Mantra and objectives of the APC.
The 15-member delegation included: Dr. Felix Felix; Henry Odili, Engr. Paul Iheayichukwu; Philip Chikwe; Amb. Tony Anucha; Amb. Alban Paulinus; Eze Emeghara; Amb. Prince Uzoka Emeka; Hon. Tubonemi Aggo; Engr. Iroigak Ikann; Iyke Oginah; Chigbo Eligwe; Awu Pereowei Kelvin; Comrade George Jeremiah Oba and Graham Waribo (Secretary-General).

The Nation

Nigeria ex-pres used $2bn meant to fight Boko Haram for failed re-election bid – minister

A group of 55 people, including cabinet ministers, state governors, bankers and businessmen stole $6.8 billion from Nigeria’s public coffers over seven years, a minister has claimed. The sum includes $2.1 billion meant to fight terrorist group Boko Haram.
"If we don't kill corruption, corruption will kill Nigeria," Information Minister Lai Mohammed said on Monday. He failed to provide any proof to support the figures or identify any of the alleged thieves, however.
Boko Haram is among the most violent terrorist groups in the world, raiding villages and towns in Africa, sending suicide bombers to attack Christian churches and committing other acts of violence. The insurgency led by the group has claimed the lives of an estimated 20,000 people over the past six years.
The minister said ex-president Goodluck Jonathan’s People's Democratic Party (PDP) diverted $2.1 billion meant to buy weapons to fight Boko Haram for Jonathan’s failed election campaign.
The alleged embezzlement took place between 2006 and 2013. Jonathan lost the March 2015 election to Muhammadu Buhari, a 73-year-old former military ruler, who returned to power on a promise to halt corruption and violence in the oil-rich country.
According to a breakdown provided by Mohammed of the stolen funds, the other $742.42 million was embezzled by 15 governors, $2.65 billion by bankers and $35.35 million by four former ministers.
Mohammed was speaking in the capital Abuja as he launched a corruption awareness campaign. He denied the PDP’s allegation that the government of President Buhari is conducting a witch hunt against the opposition.
Nigeria, one of the world’s leading oil producers, has suffered for years from endemic corruption. In the early 2000s, the country was regularly ranked by Transparency International as among the 10 most corrupt countries in the world, although since then the situation has improved somewhat.

I admire APC for dumping Ekwunife – Onwubiko

The National Coordinator of the Human Rights Writers Association, HURIWA, Comrade Emmanuel Onwubiko has applauded the All Progressives Congress, APC, for refusing to hand its ticket for the Anambra Senatorial rerun election to Senator Uche Ekwunife, who he described as “serial political party cross carpeter.”
Onwubiko, in a post published on his Facebook wall on Wednesday, wrote: “All Progressives Congress (APC) has my total support and appreciation for boldly defending the principle of party loyalty and discipline by banning the serial political party cross carpeter of all times Mrs Uche Ekwunife and for rewarding consistency when it picked in a free and fair contest the lady that has remained as constant as the Northern Star as it’s Senatorial flag bearer in the Anambra Central Senatorial election coming up soon Ms Sharon Ikeazor.
“There are very few Nigerian politicians that are very principled and consistent in terms of ideological discipline and party loyalty and this fast diminishing numbers include Sharon Ikeazor; Ogbonnaya Onu; Goodluck Jonathan; and Muhammadu Buhari,” he added.
A committee set up by the APC to screen aspirants for the senatorial seat had yesterday disqualified Ekwunife, who was occupying the seat on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, until her election was nullified by the appellate court.
During the screening which had just two contenders, the Osita Okechukwu-led committee disqualified Ekwunife on the ground that she was found “ineligible,” while Sharon Ikeazor, the former interim Women Leader of the party got the nod of the committee.
Explaining why Ekwunife cannot get the ticket, the committee said, “She barely joined the party two weeks ago. The committee members each scoring independently scored the aspirant below the pass mark of 51 points.
“Most importantly, our deep concern is her record which shows that she dumps political parties at will leaving the parties in its wake factionalised. She jumped from the PDP to APGA to PPA, back to PDP or vice versa and now to APC. She is more or less a fair-weather-hen.”

Source Daily Post NG

APC panel disqualifies Ekwunife from contesting Senate rerun on party’s platform

A five-member screening committee set up by the All Progressive Congress has disqualified a former member of the House of Representatives, Uche Ekwunife, from contesting election into the vacant seat of the Anambra Central Senatorial District.
The party selected Sharon Ikeazor, a former interim woman leader of the party, as its candidate in the election.
The Court of Appeal, sitting in Enugu, had in December declared the seat vacant and ordered the Independent National Electoral Commission to conduct a fresh election within 90 days.
The court quashed the earlier ruling of the National Assembly Election Tribunal that Mrs. Ekwunife had won the seat in the March 28, 2015 senatorial election, which she contested as a member of the Peoples Democratic Party.
The appeal was filed by the candidate of the All Progressives Grand Alliance, Victor Umeh.
Following her loss at the appeal court, Mrs. Ekwunife defected to the APC to contest the rerun since the party’s candidate in the March election, Chris Ngige, had been appointed the minister of labour.
In its report, the five member-committee chaired by Osita Okechukwu, said Mrs. Ekwunife and Mrs. Ikeazor, presented themselves for screening.
It said at the end of the exercise, it chose Mrs. Ikeazor to contest election having “fulfilled Section 4 of 2014 Guidelines for the Nomination of Candidates for Public Office and all relevant sections of the Electoral Act and the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria”.
The panel recounted that Mrs. Ikeazor was a member of the defunct All Nigeria Peoples Party, woman leader of the defunct Congress for Progressive Change and woman leader, interim national executive committee of the All Progressives Congress, as well as a member of its board of trustees.
“Her trajectory shows loyalty, perseverance and consistency to the emergence of our progressive party,” the panel said.
“In conclusion, she is qualified and therefore we recommend her for nomination as the candidate of our great party for Anambra State Central Senatorial District.”
On Mrs. Ekwunife, the committee observed that she was barely two weeks old in the APC.
It noted further, “Most importantly, our deep concern is her record which showed that she dumps political parties at will, leaving the parties in its wake factionalized – from the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), to Progressive Peoples Alliance (PPA), back to PDP or vice versa and now to APC.
“She is more or less a fair-weather hen therefore her antecedent contravenes Section 4(3) of the 2014 Guideline for Nomination of Candidate for Public Office. Caution is valour.
“The score sheet in respect of the aspirants is also attached herewith for further necessary action. The committee found that Aspirant Senator Uche Lilian Ekwunife, is ineligible to seek the APC nomination for the Senatorial election.”
The committee, whose members include Abdullahi Aliyu, Bunmi Oririowo, Mary Aipoh and Garba Umar (Secretary), said, in carrying out its assignment , it enquired into the profile of aspirants, integrity and fulfillment of all the relevant sections of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2010 Electoral Act and Guideline for Nomination of candidates of our great party, the APC.
It stated, “To aid the committee in its assignment, a score board analysis of the parameters set out above was made. Members scored all aspirants on the following basis viz: BioData/Education- 20 Points; Experience (Public/Private)-20 points; Integrity and Personal Character- 40 points and Party Loyalty and Support-20 Points. The guidelines set a pass mark of 51 Points for the aspirants.”

Dasuki drags FG to ECOWAS Court, demands N500m damages

Following his continued detention by the Department of State Security, DSS, erstwhile National Security Adviser, NSA, Col. Mohammed Sambo Dasuki (retd), has dragged the Federal Government before the ECOWAS Court in Abuja.
Dasuki is seeking the court’s order for his release while also demanding payment of N500 million damages for alleged infringement on his human rights.
The embattled former NSA in the suit filed by his lawyer, Robert Emukpoeruo, urged the court to declare among others, that his continued detention was in defiance of court orders for his bail, and an abuse of his fundamental human right.
He also prayed the court to hold that it was, “a most egregious violation of the treaty obligations” signed by Nigeria to have unlawfully detained him under a “de-humanizing condition” after he had been granted bail and met the conditions for his release.
The applicant further asked the court to declare that the alleged invasion of his home in Abuja and Sokoto on July 16 and 17, 2015 and the “forceful and unlawful seizure” of his properties, “without any lawful order or warrant” violates his fundamental rights and offended the country’s treaty obligations as a signatory to the listed legal instruments.

Source: Daily Post NG

Court remands Kanu, two others in Kuje prison

Federal High Court in Abuja has ordered that pro-Biafra agitator Nnamdi Kanu and two of his associates be remanded in Kuje prison, Abuja.
Justice James Tsoho gave the order when Kanu, Benjamin Madubugwu and David Nwawuisi (a Field Maintenance engineer with MTN) were arraigned before him.
They were arraigned on a six-count of treasonable felony; running an unlawful organisation, plotting to levy war on the country, illegal possession of firearms and unlawful importation of a transmitter to run their illegal radio station – Radio Biafra.
They pleaded not guilty to the charges.
When the case was called, lead prosecution lawyer and Director of Public Prosecution of the Federation (DPPF) Muhammad Diri withdrew the charge of December 18, 2015, urging the court to allow the defendants plead to the December 23 charge.
He said the charge was accompanied by a list of exhibits, witnesses, case summary, proof of evidence of witnesses, and their written statements, affidavit of completion of investigation in the case and a letter of approval by the chief judge, for their arraignment before the Abuja division.
Shortly after Kanu and others pleaded to the charge, their lawyer, Chucks Muoma   (SAN), applied that the defendants be remanded in prison custody, saying the prison authorities were neutral.
Muoma argued that the complainant should not be allowed to keep the accused, saying the prison would be a more appropriate and neutral custodian of the accused.
“The DSS cannot be a judge in its cause, cannot accuse and also detain the accused in its custody. The accused have been in DSS custody since October or thereabout. They have been held incommunicado for three months, without access to the world, lawyers or their families.
“They are not allowed to make phone calls to families. In the opinion of the DSS, the defendants are already condemned. That opinion negates the foundation of our criminal justice system that a man is presumed guilty until proved guilty. It is only the court that can declare a man guilty at the end of trial.
“Since the prosecution claimed investigations have been concluded, why seek to further keep them?” Muoma said.
He urged the court to remand the defendants in prison custody, as is the tradition once a person is arraigned.
The judge rejected the prosecution’s request that the three be remanded in the custody of the Department of State Services (DSS), where they have been since their arrest last October.
He ordered  they be remanded in prison and adjourned to January 25 for hearing of their bail application.

Source: The Nation

Nigerian Army Officers Ordered To Declare Assets

Nigeria's Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Tukur Yusuf Buratai, has asked all officers of the Nigerian Army who have not declared their assets to do so immediately. 
A statement released today by military spokesman, Colonel Sani Kukasheka Usman, revealed that General Buratai "gave the directive today during a conference with Principal Staff Officers and Directors serving at the Army Headquarters."
The Nigerian Armed Forces have been in the spotlight after an audit ordered by President Muhammadu Buhari found that numerous retired and serving military officers may have colluded in billions of dollars worth of weapons procurement deals. Mr. Buhari asked the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to commence investigation of the officers.  
Colonel Usman's statement disclosed that the Chief of Army Staff had declared his own assets shortly after his "appointment as Commander, Multinational Joint Task Force in May 2015 and also on his appointment as Chief of Army Staff in July 2015." He revealed that copies of both declarations were with the Code of Conduct Bureau.
According to the press statement, the directive to officers to declare their assets was justified owing to the fact all military officers "are public servants, as well as subject to both civil and military laws."

Colonel Usman added that the order to officers to declare their assets was in keeping with "the current drive of the country for probity and accountability." He wrote, "the Nigerian Army should not only key in but should be one of the key drivers for such laudable project."

Source: Sahara Reporters

$2.1b arms deals: Mu’azu, Dikko, Jonathan’s ex-aide may be declared wanted

Security agencies may declare former Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) chair Adamu Muazu, former Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) Comptroller-General Abdullahi Dikko Inde  and four others wanted.
The others are former PDP Kebbi State governorship candidate Gen. Bello Sarkin Yaki, a former top official in the Office of National Security Adviser, Col. Bello Fadile, former Special Assistant to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan on Domestic Affairs Waripamowei Dudafa and a former Chairman of the Pension Reform Task Team, Mr.Abdulrasheed Maina.
They are wanted in connection with the ongoing probe of alleged curious spending by some former public officers, including  the management of $2.1billion arms cash by ex-National Security Adviser (NSA) Col. Sambo Dasuki (retd), who is in detention.
Some of those wanted allegedly diverted public funds  to other uses, including political purposes.
Investigations have so far shown that some of the officers have questions to answer on some expenditures incurred by the Jonathan administration.
The breakdown is as follows:
  • Muazu—(N500million cash allegedly from the Office of the National Security Adviser);
  • Yaki(N200million from ONSA);
  • Fadile(N100million from ONSA);
  • Dudafa( being investigated for N10billion given to the delegates to the PDP’s nomination convention);
  • Maina—alleged N20billion pension fraud
  • Dikko—N3.5billion incurred  on internet project
According to a source, who spoke in confidence, most of those affected were invited by the Special Investigative Committee probing the activities of ONSA but they refused to turn up.
The source added: “Security agencies have given these former public officers enough time but they have not turned up to clear some disbursements and  expenditures traced to them.
“The committee is not saying that they are guilty but it is imperative for them to appear before the team handling these issues.
“They have up to one week to honour the invitation of the panel or else they will be declared wanted by the appropriate security agencies.”
Another source said: “Some of the accused persons on trial admitted disbursing arms cash to a few of these former public officers. For instance, Dasuki, in his statement, said he handed over N10billion to Dudafa for disbursement to delegates to PDP Nomination Convention.
“A former Minister of Finance, Amb. Bashir Yuguda, who is standing trial, said Yakin benefited to the tune of N200million from some funds.
“Most of these people are holed up abroad. Let them come home. Once they are declared wanted by security agencies, it will be easier to extradite them home.”

Source: The Nation

Buhari splashes cash gifts on Eaglets, others

Buhari splashes cash gifts on Eaglets, others

 Fulfills 31-year -old promise to Nduka Ugbade -led side
President Muhammadu Buhari on Thursday announced various cash gifts to members of the Golden Eaglets team that won a fifth FIFA U-17 World Cup in Chile last year and other athletes that did the country proud at various international competitions during the period.
The athletes were hosted by President Buhari at the old Banquet Hall of the State House, Abuja.
The President also rewarded members of the Golden Eaglets that won the inaugural FIFA U-16 World Cup in China in 1985 with various cash gifts.
Each member of the 1985 team will get N2 million, while their coaches will smile home with N1.5 million each.
Members of the victorious 2015 side will go home with N1.2 million each and the coaches will receive N900,000 each.  The Assistant coaches are also rewarded with N600, 000 each.
Each member of the Dream Team that won the U-23 African Nations Cup in Senegal last year got N600,000, while their coaches went home with N500,000 each.
The 2015 Afro-Basketball Male Tournament Gold medalists got N600,000 each, coaches – N600,000, and team officials – N250, 000 each.
Members of the 2015 FIBA African Women Championship, where Nigeria won silver medal, got N400,000 each, coaches went home with N400,000 and while team officials got N150,000 each.

Source: The Nation

Olisa Metuh Charged For ‘Destroying Own Confessional Statement’, Sent Back To Prison

The Economic andå Financial Crimes Commission on Thursday morning slammed a fresh two-count charge on the spokesman of the Peoples Democratic Party, Olisa Metuh, over an alleged attempt by the politician to destroy a confessional statement made to its operatives.

The new charges came less than 48 hours after the Federal High Court, Abuja, granted him bail over a seven-count charge of corruption.
The EFCC drove the embattled politician into the premises of the FCT High Court on Thursday morning, preparatory to slamming fresh charges on him.
Like on Tuesday, Mr. Metuh was in handcuffs when he was brought into the court.
The handcuffs were later removed as he waited to be taken before a judge.
He was later brought before Justice Ishaq Bello, and accused of attempting to destroy information provided during his cross examination at the office of the EFCC.
Count one of the charge contains allegation of destruction of a statement he had given at the commission, to prevent it from being produced, while count two of the charge revolves around allegations of mischief, all punishable under section 327 of the Penal Code Act.
After pleading not guilty to the said charges, counsel to the EFCC, Sylvanus Tahir, asked for more time to allow his team present witnesses and evidence in support of the allegations against the politician.
Justice Bello, who is the chief judge of the FCT High Court, noted that the EFCC must produce three witnesses during the next sitting, without fail.
He noted that it was needless to have the case brought before him if it was already ongoing at a Federal High Court.
But EFCC counsel, Mr. Sylvanus, explained that the new charges, filed on January 18, were not the same as those currently being heard at the Federal High Court.
The matter was adjourned till January 25, for hearing of an application for bail, while information would be relayed later on whether or not the substantive suit would be heard Friday.
Mr. Metuh was also asked to return to Kuje Prison.
The EFCC had on January 12 accused Mr. Metuh of shredding a confessional statement he made to its operatives, indicating it would charge him separately for attempting to destroy a major evidence in the case against him.
“The tearing of statement is tantamount to willful destruction of government property and it is a serious offence,” the official had told this newspaper at the time. “Also the fact that he obstructed operatives from performing their job is also a criminal offence. We will explore the possibility of filling a separate charge against him at the Federal Capital Territory High Court.”
In the original case for which he is standing trial at the Federal High Court, Mr. Metuh is facing a seven-count charge of corruption.
He is accused of receiving N400 million from former National Security Adviser, Sambo Dasuki. The amount is part of the allegedly diverted sum of $2.1 billion meant for the purchase of arms.
On Tuesday, Justice Okon Abang granted him bail.
To regain his freedom, however, Mr. Metuh, Justice Abang said, must deposit N400 million bail bond – same amount he is accused of illegally receiving; two sureties who must have properties in Maitama area of Abuja, and who must also deposit N200 million each.
It is unclear whether Mr. Metuh met those bail conditions.

Source: Sahara Reporters