
Sunday 20 December 2015

GAIN Poll Shows Buhari Government With 63% Approval Ratings-Buoyed By The Anti-corruption Drive And Positive Sentiments On Handling The Boko Haram Crisis

Key highlights: 63% overall approval rating for the Buhari government 
Senate has the lowest approval rating of all governmental institutions (13%)
Nigerian Army regains luster with 69% approval rating
61% of Nigerians have high expectations of the new ministers
Fashola and Kachikwu lead all ministers in expectations for top performance
75% believe the anti-corruption war is working
56% give the government high marks for the anticorruption campaign
81% of respondents give high ratings for handling of Boko Haram crisis
Majority rate government’s performance low in housing (61%), availability of petroleum products (55%), transportation (54%), economy and jobs (52%) and healthcare (52%)
Majority give poor ratings to government’s handling of Pro-Biafra agitations (52%) and Fulani Herdsmen clashes (66%)
58% of respondents do not support any political party
Rating the Overall Performance of the Government
Respondents were provided with a 5 point-scale response to this question. We elected not to use a simple forced two scale measure of approval (Yes or No) to enable a deeper understanding of the nuances that informed respondents’ choices. A positive approval rating in our terminology refers only to those respondents that reported either an “Excellent” or “Good” rating. A negative rating comprises of those individuals that reported a “Poor” or “Very Poor” rating.
63% gave the Buhari government a high approval rating, while 20.3% rated the government’s performance as poor.
Areas of Priority for Nigerians 
Respondents were provided with a number of key segments and focus areas for the government and were required to provide a forced three tier ranking (High, Medium, Low) of their perceptions of the importance of each of the areas.
Under the “High” ranking response, the anticorruption drive was rated as the most important area of concern and/or interest by 71% of Nigerians. The top 5 rated areas overall were anticorruption (71%), security (68%), power (63%), economy and jobs (56%), and education (52%).
It is noteworthy that education (52%) was ranked ahead of healthcare (46%), works (44%), transportation (30%) and housing (24%), indicating that while the educational sector might not feature prominently as one of the sectors that the government has declared as its key focus areas, Nigerians view it as a high priority sector.
Perceptions on the anticorruption war
Nigerians are overwhelmingly in support of the anticorruption war, with 75% of respondents indicating that the anti-corruption war is working. However, 18% of the respondents were of the view that the anti-corruption war targets mostly members of the PDP, while 17% were of the view that the anti-corruption war targets the President’s political enemies.  
Sector based performance of government
Respondents were asked to rank the performance of the government in a number of key sectors on a three (3) point scale (High, Medium and Low). The highest ranked areas were anticorruption (56%) and security (46%). The performance of the government in the power sector was rated high by 16% of the respondents. Every other priority area received single digit high performance ratings.  The lowest rated sectors were housing (61%), availability of petroleum products (55%), transportation (54%), healthcare (52%), economy & jobs (52%) and education (49%). 
Given the wide range of sectors receiving low ratings from the respondents, it is  obvious that the high overall ratings that the Buhari government has, is largely buoyed by the successes in the anticorruption drive and the progress being made by the Nigerian army in the fight against Boko Haram. 
Views on Newly Appointed Ministers
The questions posed to respondents in this section, were intended to understand Nigerians’ views on the newly appointed ministers, but more importantly, to measure the performance expectations of the ministers. 46% of respondents thought the ministers had a track record of solid performance in their previous careers. A majority of respondents (61%) indicated that they had high expectations for some of the ministers. 8% indicated that they were not confident in the ability of the ministers, while 10% indicated that they did not have high expectations that the ministers would be able perform. 
Expectations of Ministers
In order to better understand Nigerians’ expectations for specific ministers, respondents were given a list of 14 key ministries as well as the names of the substantive ministers appointed to lead those ministries, and were asked to provide a ranking of their expectations for each minister. The ministries included the three (power, works and housing) that are now being handled by a single individual – Mr. Raji Fashola, the former governor of Lagos State.   
Because a number of the ministers are not familiar to Nigerians, a response category was provided that enabled those who did not have any clear views on their expectations for the ministers to indicate their inability to make a call on their expectations. This response category was labeled “I can’t say.” The top ratings on the “I can’t say” scale were for the ministers of communication (Adebayo Shittu), Education (Adamu Adamu), Industry, Trade and Investment (Okechukwu Enelema) and Health (Isaac Adewole). 
Expectations Ranking of Ministers
Mr. Fashola topped the expectations list, with his three ministries being ranked highest. 86% of respondents had expectations for Mr. Fashola’s ability to deliver in the power sector, while 84% and 76% expressed confidence in his ability to deliver in the works and housing sectors respectively. Mr. Ibe Kachikwu, was a close runner-up in the expectations race, with about 76% of Nigerians expressing confidence in his ability to deliver in the petroleum sector. 
Approval Ratings for Key National Institutions
Respondents were asked to rate 6 major governmental institutions, i.e., the Presidency, Senate, House of Representatives, Army, Police and Judiciary. The Presidency was the most highly rated governmental institution, with 63% of respondents rating it as high or very high. 
The Nigerian army received the second highest approval ratings of the governmental institutions included in the survey, with 69% of respondents giving it high or very high scores. The police and the judiciary received approval ratings of 22% and 25% respectively. 
The two arms of the National Assembly were the worst rated institutions. Only 13% of respondents rated the Senate highly, while 19% gave high approval ratings to the House of Representatives. 
Buhari Government’s Handling of Major Security Issues
Although the Buhari government received high scores for the handling of the Boko Haram crisis (80.5%), majority of respondents rated its handling of two other major national security crises poorly, namely the sweeping wave of pro Biafra agitations and the perennial challenges related to conflicts between Fulani Herdsmen and communities across large swathes of the middle belt and the south. 
These mixed ratings on the government’s handling of security issues indicate that Nigerians do not have a single all-encompassing and inclusive outlook towards security. Future surveys will include questions aimed at understanding Nigerians’ views of emerging crises such as the recent Shiite – Army clashes. 
Political Party Affiliation 
The APC continues to enjoy a significant level of support with 38% of respondents identifying themselves as supporters of the party. Only 4% of respondents indicated support for the PDP. A majority of respondents (58%) indicated that they did not support any political party. 
A subset of the question on the rating of national institutions, required respondents to provide a forced ranking on their views about the two major political parties – the PDP and the APC.  The APC was rated highly by 41% of respondents, while only 4% rated the PDP highly. The PDP had high negative ratings of 79%. 
Methodology & Disclosure
The survey was administered using electronic media and responses were received between December 11th and 18th, 2015. A total of 1045 complete responses were received. The survey results have a ±4% margin of error at a 95% confidence level. The Governance Accountability Initiative of Nigeria (GAIN) Poll is a public service survey intended to track the performance of government at all levels and provide feedback from the public to their elected officials. GAIN will also periodically publish policy statements to provide perspectives on key areas. GAIN surveys are coordinated by Dr Malcolm Fabiyi and Dr Adeleke Otunuga. 
Dr Fabiyi holds a BSc (First class) degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Lagos, an MBA from the University Of Chicago Booth School Of Business and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Cambridge. 
Dr Otunuga holds Bachelors (Philosophy) and Masters Degrees (IRPM) from the University of Lagos, and a Doctor of Management (Organizational Leadership) from the University of Phoenix. Any inquiries regarding the survey should be directed to

Credit: Sahara Reporters

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